Saturday, November 24, 2012

Response to Initial Bloggers

To the initial seven bloggers and one person who emailed input:

I'm thrilled to read your comments! I can "hear" in your words your excitement about exploring the curriculum and examining training options! As trainers you know what a treat it is to have participants who are eager to be a part of a workshop!

I am looking forward to sharing the curriculum with you and swapping training ideas. The learning curve was pretty huge for me as I pulled things together in a new way. It may be the same for you, too, as you may need to look at things a little differently.

We were pleased to have so many teachers and health professionals take the time to review the draft lessons. The revision team worked hard to use the feedback we received to create the best curriculum possible and to find ways to make it teacher-friendly and engaging for students.

We hope your enthusiasm grows as your become familiar with the lessons and share training ideas.